Oh my, was this fun. Allen, Gavin, myself and my mother, younger sisters, older sister and twin nephews all took a train ride to a local pumpkin patch this weekend. It was a fantastic time! Just check out the boys enjoying themselves. Of course we start of saying, "CHOO CHOO" every time the train did. Very cute. Below are all pictures from the pumpkin patch with a little petting zoo and several old tractors.
We will definitely do this again next year.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Friday, September 5, 2008
Fire truck
Gavin had the chance to see and actually climb in a fire truck (or ambulance as he calls them) last weekend. It was very cute and exciting. They were just at Kroger buying some groceries and let us stop by. If you ever have the opportunity to do this or go to a fire house I recommend it. He was very excited.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Gavin's Trip to the Zoo
Here are some pictures of our first trip to the Zoo. Gavin is starting to hit the "terrible twos", so there were a few fits and Allen was sick, so he couldn't come. So even though he needed carried the whole time and I couldn't get too many pictures, we have a wonderful day. He will only enjoy it more.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Father and Son "handy-man" weekend
Allen and Gavin had a very "handy" weekend. First they replaced our kitchen sink faucet because it leaked. Gavin is getting so big and opinionated!!Then we ordered a new bed which finally arrived (the first was damaged, then they never showed on the selected delivery day, so it ended up being really late). From talking to Chrissi though, I think this is the same bed that Nikki and Tyler have (from IKEA). I hope you guys liked yours, we seem pleased.
This picture is old, but I thought I'd share a picture from our mothers day celebration with Liz. We went out to a Tapas place for dinner downtown and then surprised her with tickets to the Michael Buble concern. It was a lot of fun and she was so happy. Look how old Karen and Marcy are getting!!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Thank God for the Outdoors
If Gavin could live outside, he definitely would. We have a really hard time keep in his little butt inside, which is a good thing I guess. Here are some more recent pictures and I'll post more to our shutterfly account (gavintucker.shutterfly.com)Bubbles work when we're stuck inside though :)
Below are pictures from a wedding Allen was in, and yes the flip flops and black jacket were the requested attire for the groomsmen. I just thought these were cute.Gavin's first taste of driving a car, and he loves it!!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Spring is HERE
This is where I found him and Pearl one day, sitting in the dishwasher! I have a feeling they're going to get in trouble together a lot.
He also was quite fascinated (and is still) with putting things on his head. At least this one is clear on 3 out of 4 sides.
And the best and most recent skill.....mastering the doggie door! Yes, Gavin can go in and out has he pleases with the dogs. At least it leads to a fenced in yard.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter 2008
Well....Thursday we found out that Gavin had pneumonia, but he has since been doing much better. Luckily we were still able to go to Easter at my sister's house. There were 8-9 kids all under the age of 7 running around the house. Gavin didn't know what to do with so many kids, but had a marvelous time. We played on their new swing set and had an Eater egg hunt. It was pretty chilly, so we didn't spend much time outside.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Play with Grandparents this weekend.
Gavin had an exciting day with grandparents this weekend. The morning was with Allen's parents (Mama/Papa). He had a marvelous time with a balloon and his cousin Jackson.
We then went to my parents (Grammie/Grampie) and he played with Toby, their dog. He though running around while Toby tried to get the tennis ball was a very exciting game.
I just liked how happy he looks just playing with his show. His eye color is gorgeous!! He's going to be a heart breaker.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Enjoying the nice weather
We were able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather on Sunday and went to the park. Gavin wasn't a fan of the swing which is surprising for as much as he enjoys rough housing. He did, however, thoroughly enjoy going down the slide and throwing dirt.
When we got home a bath was very necessary and I couldn't resist a few pictures of bathtime including peek-a-boo with Daddy.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Gavin's 1st Birthday Party
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Postponed B-day party :(
Well.....Gavin was supposed to have his first birthday party today and we were all very excited (not that he knew it). Instead, the poor little guy got sick and we had to delay everything. We were disappointed, but hopefully he'll be feeling well soon. It is definitely not the sickest he's ever been so that's good.
We're pretty excited he made it this long without getting sick at the new daycare full of new germs. Here are some pictures from Brody and Eli's (cousins) 2nd birthday party from a couple of weeks ago though.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mid January update
Wearing his "lil' stinker" shirt Grammie (my mother) bought him for Christmas. Very appropriate.
Pretending to talk on the phone. He basically puts just about anything up to his ear and waits for us to say, "hello". He thinks it's pretty funny.
Wrestling with his bear (which is bigger than him). It's really cute.
Everything is going really well here. Just this past weekend Gavin really started walking (not just taking steps). It's pretty exciting and he is really proud of himself. We also started a new daycare yesterday because St.Vincent (where I work) just opened up a brand new center. It will be a little tough to get used, but we're very happy with it. It is just a block away from where I work, is cheaper, brand new, and has a sick room (staffed by a nurse) just in case we can't pick him up w/in the hour that is necessary or can't take the day off work.
They said he did really well on his first two days and has come home exhausted so it must be good.