Friday, September 25, 2009

Potty Training Day 3

Another successful day. Woke up dry, made it to school without peeing and no accidents during the day. Once we were home, it was definitely alittle more interesting, but he honestly did a fantastic job.

We were watching videos on youtube when he jumped up and said he had to poop. Ran to the bathroom and he said it wasn't ready yet so we went back. Jumped up again; still not ready. Third times a charm and we successfully pooped and peed on the potty (very excited about the splashing...what a true boy).

Then we played with trains upstairs and we again jumped up and ran to the potty. We almost made it, just alittle terd in the undies but damn it he tried really hard. Back to playing with trains when he looked down and said, Oops....peed on the floor. Poor kid, can't blame him he's always been able to just pee whenever he wanted and now all of a sudden can't.

Clean undies and immediate ran to the potty again....didn't make it-pooped. So within 1-2 hours we went through 3 pairs of underwear and 5/6 trips to the potty. I wish I could have just convinced him to sit there for a while the first time and we probably would have gotten it all out at once, but at soon as alittle poop came out he wanted to jump down because he was done and go play. Definitely a change from a diaper were he could take 20 minutes to be done. Oh well....

We couldn't ask for it to be going any more smoothly. I kind of feel like I am cheating!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love reading these updates! Go Gavin!